Painting of the Day
Each day we post a picture of a painting we really like.
Along with our daily painting news feed you can see #Paintingoftheday #PotD on our Instagram and our Contemporary British Painting Facebook.
This is a rolling programme which has been running since 2013. Submissions are always very welcome.
If you would like your work to be featured as ‘Painting of the Day’ please submit up to three paintings sent as jpegs with file names in the following format: Painting of the Day #PaintBritain, Painting Title, Artist Name.jpg
along with the following information in the email
Title of the work
Your name
Your Instagram name (if you have one) to
Selected entries will be posted on Instagram and the Contemporary British Painting Facebook page. Entries are welcome from around the world, must be recent (preferably within the last five years) and must be paintings. Submitting your artwork constitutes permission for us to post your artwork on these social media platforms, however, the artwork copyright remains solely with you, the artist.
The paintings we choose are at our discretion and no correspondence will be entered into. Due to the volume of entries no announcements can be issued about when or if your work will be featured.